Tuesday, August 31, 2010

over a yr ago

I have got to get better at this - I cannot believe that I haven't blogged in over a yr! As all of you know Madden just started Pre-K so maybe i can spend my quiet mornings sharing with all of you now that I have a little time to myself. I am super excited for September - so much going on. The start of Football season, True Blood Finale and hopefully lots of time with my mommies that I love so much.
I am really looking forward to church too! I went the Sunday before last (i wish i could have made it this past Sunday but i had to get the boys back from Daisy), and I really enjoyed myself. I thought about it a lot on my way to and fro and decided it is easy to pray from my computer chair and kitchen counter and it is easy to talk to my friends about God and is master plan for us all (whether we like it or not), but it is hard to go to church. WHY? If i don't go to church then i am being a lazy Christian. I felt like I was talking the talk but just not so interested in walking the WALK! So I have kind of adopted this new look at it - it is easy to say, hard to DO! so I am going to start trying to DO more and say LESS! I am looking forward to reuniting with a congregation and hopefully getting to know a new one.
I am turning in an application this week for a job. It is not a paid position but i am looking forward to the possibilities it could bring with it! So wish me luck!!! And thank you all who read this for your love and support and your friendship and I will do better in updating! Have a BLESSED day!