Monday, July 6, 2009

Madden's turning 3

My little man is turning 3 this week - I cannot BELIEVE it. It seems like just yesterday he was tiny and sleeping all the time and now is a very chatty mobile toddler. WOW! We have been having tons of fun - we have been to the Lake and the Beach this past week. Done a little grocery shopping and a little birthday shopping. We are getting Madden a SPIDERMAN cake - he picked it out - i almost cried that he is growing up so fast. We are having a simple little get together at Chuck E Cheese's - just the family and a few friends - i guess it being in the middle of the week it is hard for a lot of people to come - but that's ok - it's hard for us to make a lot of events too!
Peyton is crawling - he crawled for about 4 inches today before he fell back down to his belly. He is making alot more noise and i say "mamamamamamama" about 500 times a day. We will work on "dadadadadaddadada" later. He is has been eating everything and enjoying all the fun that we have been having.
Memaw is back and I am glad. I talked to her about living here and she didn't say no but she didn't say yes either - so we shall see what the future holds. I know that when the time is right her heart will tell her. We have started paccking up for San Antonio and i should be wrapping presents instead of typingthis - but i am waiting for Lee to get home from work so i thought i would kill some time.
I just wanted to let you all know that i love you - thanks for being an ear to bend.

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