Monday, June 22, 2009

It's ALMOST here

YAY! Our San Antonio vacation is less than a month away and I am super excited. We finally booked a hotel - through Priceline and we got a Riverwalk hotel for less than $50/night - WOW! We have been not so busy as we would have liked to have been - Lee has had to work alot b/c his assistant managers are taking vacation this month. He has only had 1 day off a week for the last 3 weeks so i am so ready for vacation just so i can spend time with him. He had a great Father's Day - my mom was here and she bought breakfast for us and then he opened his Wii and was in absolute shock. I couldn't believe it! We had lunch with his parents and then went to see the Hangover. I am so glad that we didn't try to take the kids b/c that would have been so not appropriate. It was the funniest movie we had seen since Pineapple Express. It was so good and I highly recommend it.
Memaw has come back and gone again - she is at my mom's right now - hopefully she will have a good visit but come back soon. Peyton is scooting all over the place and he sits up for long long periods of time and then scoots halfway across the living room. He gets up on his knees and tries to crawl - but he isn't quite there yet. I think he really just wants to catch up with brother. Madden is more and more playful with him everyday - they wrestle(which secretly scares me a little - but i try not to over react) and they are always watching what the other is doing. Madden is showing him how to play with his toys and is helping him get into trouble. If you knew me with Madden, you would mos def wonder who I am now - b/c Peyton has already had pizza crust, ice cream, soup, jello and memaw gave him bavarian cream out of her donut - and I just sit back and take it all in. I can't believe I was so neurotic with Madden - but i guess everyone is with the first child. I am still so protective of him it is ridiculous sometimes. Peyton is eating great and i think teeth are on the very near future b/c our drool production has increased greatly. Madden is getting more and more personality everyday(if that is even possible). He is a great laugher and when he shakes his booty - it is a sight.
I had a great week last week - I got to spend time with one of my best friends - i love that friendship has no time barriers. I hadn't seen Ashlee in almost 8 years and it was like we had never missed a day - I cried when i first saw her and I cried when I left her and remembered why I am so blessed - because I have people like her in my life. I miss her deeply - but I was so thankful for every minute i got with her and can't wait to see her in a wedding dress. Napa here I come! It really just makes me think - that every person in our lives plays a role - Ashlee has always been my guidance - when i don't know where to go she has always been like the lighthouse that has shown me a path. Each of my friends plays a role like that - as if they were handpicked to be in my life to provide all the things we each need to make it thru - you all know what role you play - thanks to all of you! I am truly appreciative to have such great friends.
well, i am sure i have a lot more to say - and i know that other important things have happened within the last month but Peyton is strolling towards the wii stuff and he has already tried to send a fax this morning so i have to go parent and play. Madden is at the in-laws babysitting Mario today and probably most of this week. Mario had surgery on Friday that nobody got told about till afterwards and he can't work for the next 2 weeks - so he asked if Madden could babysit him while he is home. I can't say no to a recovering PawPaw - what kind of daughter would I be? I will post pics later when Peyton takes his afternoon nap. Love you all!

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