Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memaw has gone north

I can't believe i haven't posted since after Mother's Day! What have I been up to? all things chaotic i think will be my answer to this. Memaw and I have basically been chillin during the days - now that our pool is open i may be hanging out there alot more with the boys and hopefully they will have some shade for Memaw. I will get some time to figure all that out with her up at Tammy's for the next few weeks. I can't lie......i cried when she left. I know she is coming back but i just got used to her being her all the time. I am sure i will fill the void somehow...(smiling) like cooking, cleaning, shopping.
In the past couple of weeks we have gone to the movies (Night at the Museum), watched some movies (Bedtime Stories, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Benjamin Button & Yes Man), went shopping (CARTER'S, groceries) and have been to the beach. I think Memaw had a great time at the beach - she loved being able to put her feet in the water and the sand was clean - not a whole lot of seaweed. Madden tried to fish all day - that's all he wanted was to fish, and he caught one too - a big green plastic fish that was floting in the water- he was so proud and it was so cute. I don't know how he will react when he actually catches a real fish - i think i can see a freak out coming. I can't wait. Peyton loved the water - he got to sit mostly in Memaw's lap - he was keeping her warm she kept saying. We had a great time and i can't wait to do it again this weekend.
Peyton is getting so big, tomorrow will be 5 months old. I can't believe it..he is already in 6mos clothes and he is sitting up on his own, eating 3 times a day and still not sleeping through the night. Madden was the same way, i don't remember him sleeping through the night till 6 to 8 months. Hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel soon - but luckily i am getting to take some naps during the week with the boys. I call it "movie day" and we all go lay in the bed and watch a movie - our bedroom is like a cave so halfway through the movie - they are both asleep. Madden still hasn't seen all of Superman Returns. I feel so bad for him b/c he likes superman, batman, spiderman...all the superheroes that name ends in man. It is so cute to hear him say it to...he pronounces every syllable. Madden is talking more and more, his sentences are getting longer and his understanding of things better and better. I can tell he will be so me....(insert laugh now). No really, we are all smart in our own rights.

The kids are great - growing and learning everyday. Lee is fabulous - working alot but luckily has this weekend off so we can enjoy some time together. Tomorrow we are going to the Museum of Natural Science - which i kept calling the Natural History Museum - i will blame that on Night at the Museum b/c we have been watching it alot here. Then Saturday is beach day and Sunday is Mario's Birthday Party. I am doing fine - I am working on trying to decide where i want to take a couple of English classes to boost up my GPA a little for when i start on working on my certification. There is a class offered from the University of Phoenix - Children's Literature in a Pluralistic Society - sounds very cool. So that may be where i take them from - i am also talking to SHSU too. We shall see how it all works out.

Have a great weekend you! brandy

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