Monday, May 4, 2009

A new Countdown has begun.....

No longer are we counting down the days till Memaw gets here, but now we must hope that we will not start a countdown till she leaves. She made it here in one piece and hopefully she will love it here so much this time that she will really contemplate her going back to crazy West Virginia!
We have had a crazy couple of weeks - i haven't really been able to post a blog b/c we were without internet for about a week and half - there were several line problems and comcast is really slow - but we are back up and running and i can finally catch up with everyone. The weekend before last we went to this great place in Alvin called Froberg's and picked our own strawberries - i can't wait to take Memaw b/c Madden is such a great picker and then on Saturday we were off to the Galveston County Fair and Rodeo Cook-Off! The team we were there with won 1st in brisket and we had such a great time. Gamma and Pawpaw took Madden on all the rides and bought him a bubble gun that blows like a thousand bubbles(we have to hide it randomly b/c, is a little much everyday). I can't believe Madden rode the rides- i will post some pictures - he is such a big boy now. On Sunday we picked peppers from Gamma's garden and then we came home and start REALLY getting ready for Memaw.
The week was pretty quick - Madden was at Momma and PawPaw's most of the week b/c i think they knew when Memaw got here he wouldn't be as free to come and go, so i let them take him. Peyton went to the Dr. for his 4 month check-up - he is 25 1/2 inches long and weighs 14lbs 13ozs. My kid....loves to eat. The Dr. was so funny b/c she said we could start him on food - how do you think he weighs 14 lbs - breastmilk? c'mon now.
We re-organized the house a little and really cleaned up some things..sometimes i forget that we pay for a bug storage unit every month - why not fill it up with all the crap we are not using. So we took all the boys clothes that i have bought them for next winter and all the christmas crap and we took the crib and in return brought back Madden's toddler bed. We moved into our room - so instead of climbing into bed with us - he would see we were all in the room together and hopefully he would stay in his bed (we also felt some of his sneaking into our room has to do with peyton's bed being a foot from ours). Last night was the first night we could test this out we are 0 for 1. But on the upside he is potty training well and that in itself is a blessing! SO ...... sunday we went to Babies'r'us - i got a new diaper bag and peyton and madden each got a little something and then to best buy to get Memaw a mouse and then..........

We got MEMAW!! She was very happy to see us and the boys - and Peyton was very happy to meet her....this morning Madden has been showing out for her and thankfully Peyton has just been Peyton - very playful and loving and thankfully right now taking a nap! I will keep all up to date..we have a busy busy week...Wednesday lunch with old friends and family, Thursday - dinner with Lily Bear and Sunday(mom's day) Astros Game! Wish us luck as we venture into our first week and let's all prey we don't wear Memaw out to quickly.

Love to all!!!

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