Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mother's Day and so on...

I woke up last Sunday, wrote out my cards and jumped in the shower. I walked into the kitchen and my husband had already started the breakfast ccasserole i was making for all the mom's. What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man. I didn't even ask. Lee got me a card which of course made me cry, my mother of course was late and everybody of course loved breakfast. How could you not, when someone else made it! HAhaHa! I made Mimosa's for the mommies and they liked them alot, especially Lee's tia Chela (i may have found a drinking buddy) and i had about 3 in my BIG cup. So needless to say..we got to the game...I was a very proud, very loud Astros fan, and all within good reason..they were kickin' some major booty!! After the game Lee's parents took us out to dinner and we were all a little worn out after we got home.
As far as the week goes, very typical and ordinary. The most fun we had this week was Memaw got her haircut on Thursday - it looks super cute!! We drove to Galveston and went to the Strand - King's was not open, which was very upsetting to me b/c that's the only reason i wanted to go down there. It was crazy to see it. One side of the street was open for business as normal and the other side of the street under renovations. We drove through Memaw's old neighborhood and alot of the houses there were under construction and we drove by a house that on the steps of the house in blue paint was a line and under it, it said "IKE". My memories of Galveston are very much about history and buildings that have been standing since there were pirates.....and for so much of that to be gone - i think it really just kind of hit home how horrible this whole thing as been for the Island itself. So we drove down the seawall and down San Luis pass to come home through Surfside and we showed Memaw Stahlman - the whole last half of the trip home was just amazing to see so much granduer and so much destruction standing side by side.
We were lazy yesterday..I got both of the boys to take a nap and Memaw too. Hopefully today we will get to go play bingo , but I am still waiting for the phone call from Maria to tell me they are home. If not we will just take our little trip to Kroger and ge ta few things, plus Lee wants my Monster Southwest Bacon Burgers tonight - so i am planning on making a good dinner for us and maybe we can make it a movie night - depending on what RedBox has to offer - i really want to see TAKEN.
I hope everybody had a great week and is in the process of a great weekend. I know I am just loving every minute of Memaw being here and getting to watch her interact with the kids. I think she will be ready for Tammy's and a little break from constant kids - but i think she loves it too. I was a little harsh last week at the end of my blog - at the time i felt that it was warranted, but, the child in question is not mine and how she is raised is not my business. I should just be thankful that she has a nuturing soul around her and hope that as she grows she is encouraged not discouraged, praised not prodded and loved not liked. We all have our ways and after a long crying filled heart to heart with Memaw - maybe it wasn't my place to criticize. I love you all and I can't wait to see what the world holds for each of us. Peace out and Let Love In!


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