Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After the Bunny Hops....

Whew! This weekend seemed to last forever and i thought Sunday would never end! With all the bubbles and candy and food..it is a wonder I am able to see straight. It was a great weekend though, wasn't it? Everyone got to be with family and kids and enjoy the laughter of young ones.
Last week was good - it was a little boring on our part - the most exciting thing we did was take BOTH of the boys to see Monsters vs. Aliens - it was a good movie - but i expected a little more! Dreamworks has just set themselves higher on the ladder than that in previous films and this fell a little below par for us, but it had some funny moments and Madden and Peyton really seemed to love it. Yes, that's right - Peyton stayed awake (& quiet) then entire movie except for the last 10 minutes when he finally fell asleep! It was great!! I was so proud of them both and thankful there were other families in the theatre with kids who were making comments like mine was, you know the typical things.......wow! what's that? i want coke...usual kid comments! We had a good time, i love it when we get to enjoy our days together - it seems to happen so few times.
We have big plans coming up over the next month - The 25th we are going to the Crawfish Festival in Spring, May 3rd Memaw comes, May 10th is the Astros Game and then who knows....
Easter was crazy.....Maria's sister, husband and 4 kids are still in town - they leave today actually. We hid all the kids eggs and helped them run around and find them..Madden did really good with this - Gamma helped him, but he knew to look for the blue eggs and he found quite a few on his own! Peyton slept......and slept some more - i think he took like a 3 1/2 hour nap in the middle of the day and that was okay b/c it gave us a lot of time to spend with Madden. He got bubbles and he played for the longest time with that and the kids got a kick out of chasing the bubbles down. I am reminded after this weekend though as to why i am only having the 2 kids. I also realize that my patience is only extended out to my children. There were a few mintues of every hour that i thought one of these kids might get a powpow from someone. We spent most of this past weekend at Momma's letting Madden get his fill of playtime. Gamma came for Easter and that was nice to have her and Richard there. I really think that everyone had a great time! I am also glad to see that my Dallas family hada great weekend - i can't believe all the babies and how beautiful they are. Lee and I were talking last night about the pics on Facebook and just how big Abs and Lily are getting and little Brody. I truly have a blessed family!
I posted our pics of Easter weekend already and i am about to order some pics on wal-mart.com, i get to go work out today (which is badly needed) so i can pick them up - plus do some fun little shopping, check out hobby lobby and all the clearance easter goods! i mos def don't need eggs for the next 5 -7 years - we have over 100 of them from this years hunt. It seems like earlier today i wanted to talk about something....but, now.....i don't remember. Oh, we finally found Peyton's room theme (for our non-existent house (the search has been extended up to the Angleton area b/c we found a few houses we liked up there and we want to make sure the house we buy is really the house we want & Lee's boss talked to him about advancement over the next year or so, which would mean he would be working farther north - so for the future it might be better)).
I am attaching the link to this post so you can see how cute and Madden's is still up for discussion. While we want to do CARS, we aren't sure if we want to take a different approach and do like CARS with a twist of old school. we found this material at hobby lobby that has route 66 on it and like pictures of all the towns on the path and incorporate that with it. I keep planning rooms and cchanging my mind on houses........i don't know what we will do yet. But i mos def will need some decorating help so i am up for suggestions and ideas!
love to you all and i will catch you up again..


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