Monday, April 6, 2009


I am getting to watch Peyton sleep peacefully this morning and while that is nice, I am missing Madden like mad. This is the 3rd day he hasn't been here - he has been with momma and pawpaw and now their numerous houseguests. Maria's sister is visiting from North Carolina and she has 4 children - Madden is busy keeping up with the bigger kids. I think he is really liking the play time with kids that can run around instead of lay on the floor and try to roll over.
This weekend was fun - with Madden being gone on Saturday morning i got to cook some real food and i made a german chocolate cake with homemade icing - it was amazing. And my chicken and Pepper dish was awesome. I am so proud of myself sometimes b/c i fear i have forgotten to make really good food, like i used to. But then i surprise myself and think, wow, ashlee your right i can cook. We spent the rest of Saturday visiting with Daisy and then Lee and I went and saw Adventureland at the theatre. What? Fast and Furious? Oh..yes, we were supposed to go and see that, too bad we forgot what it was to be like 18 and that we needed to buy our tickets at noon instead of at 7:40! HAHAAHA! It was good fun though and we will make time soon hopefully to get to see F&F. We try to go during the day during the week so we can take the kids and we don't bother anyone. And then we don't have to keep "dumping" the kids off - cause sometimes that is what i feel like we are doing. Even though i know Maria probably doesn't mind have her grandkids a few hours 3-4 days a week.
We didn't take Madden to Monsters vs. Aliens b/c of the company over the weekend - we plan to do it tomorrow. hopefully this will work out - 3rd times a charm, right? Sunday we gave Peyton rice cereal and banana's for breakfast and a little bananas later in the day. He just seems so hungry right now and i think he might be fixing to grow a bit, but we felt it was time. And Maria has been giving him food for about a week - just banana's, but nobody wanted to tell me b/c apparently the first time around with madden i was a little pyscho about the timeline. The banana's have giving Peyton some gas issues and i feel like he is straining so much just to poot. I know it will take some time.....
As of this week i have to officially start getting ready for Memaw. She will be here in about 3 weeks and i have to get her bedding washed and room all set up! I am so excited that she will be here and we have big plans for her when she gets her. We want to take her to a ballgame and then when we go to San Antonio, we have a surprise for her. i will tell whoever asks...but i am not publicly posting it. I think she will have a good time here this summer with all of us! has taken me almost 2 hours to do now i have to get some lunch!
love to you all -b

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