Friday, April 3, 2009

what a week.....

I can't believe it is already Friday. OMG! I am not sure where the week went to, but i know it has gone. A few developments with the house and a whole lot of other things to think about and now it just seems like it will be a slow and steady process and we both realize there is no hurry. We will get the house when it is meant to be gotten. But we are super excited about it.
Monday was uneventful... i didn't go work out like i wanted to, but i went on Tuesday so that was good. Ask me if I have been since then? I really have to get better about that. Tuesday, Mom and Richard came and looked at the house and said that it was nice and big and he found very few things he didn't like and he pointed some other things out to me that i wouldn't have known to look that was good. And it was a nice time..we had a good little visit and there were no arguments. YAY!
Wednesday was pretty crummy down here so we stayed indoors and i almost lost my mind..that is what happens when you can't escape the voices saying,"mommy" over and over and over and over again. Lee had off yesterday and we really got to enjoy the day - it was beautiful and we got to take some spring pictures of the kids and be outside for a little while - even though now Madden has a runny nose. Lee and I went shopping for easter baskets last night while the kids were at his moms. Oh..I can't wait for Madden to see all the goodies in his basket. And we only bought like 2 things of candy so we got him more little cheapy kind of toys to play with outside and 52 pieces of sidewalk chalk. You think thats enough? LOL!!
We have a hopefully good weekend planned...Lee has to go to work today and since Madden is sick I am either going to have him to go to Maria's so he doesn't get Peyton sick or we are just staying in today so he can rest and then tomorrow Lee and I have a date. Fast & the Furious!! And then Sunday we will have some family time outside and then take Madden to see Monsters vs. Aliens - he didn't get to go yesterday b/c we got so behind trying to take the pics that we missed the matinee prices and it is just too much to go after 5 p.m. HAHAHA!!!! times are hard.
We decided to do a few different things with the house situation and we should be able to apply for a grant from the county of Brazoria - which will pay our closing costs so we will have to bring nothing to the table. It is a longer closing period though b/c they do this extensive appraisal on the house so that is why it may take a little longer than we had planned to move - but the good thing is ...... we can get a house and we will.
And hopefully Memaw will be here and see that there is plenty of room for her. And then she will stay forever and we won't have to set dates for her to visit. I can dream can't I?
Have a great weekend and talk to you all on Monday!

Love you All!

1 comment:

  1. You are BUSY! Sounds like Madden will have a very fun Easter basket!!! I need to make Z's!
