Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Monday.....again

WOW! Another week has come and gone and today what i hope will be an adventurous week of contracts and earnest money. Lee and I have officially decided that will take peoples input on the house that we want but we will no longer listen to the negativity. If people don't like the house that we are trying to worries, they don't have to live there. RIGHT?
Plus by the time we get finished it will not be the same house - Lee and I went around this weekend to Home Depot and Lowe's to look for things and get ideas of how much things cost so when we try to start re-doing a few things we have some better ideas. And of course i will have to help from a certain home builder i know, and I hope that Richard likes my ideas. And i hope that he will help. But that is in the future and that is only if we get the would think the way we talk at this house, it is already ours. Hopefully we don't get a little heartbroken. But i am faithful that it will all work out.
Last week we went to Julie's birthday party at Pappasito's and had a great time. Julie is very lucky that she has great friends that live around her. It made me miss my friends so much more - there are times i just feel so alone here, b/c all of my friends live so far away and even the ones that don't have jobs and have lives that are so busy. I think traveling with 2 boys sometimes - even to say Pearland by myself can be a little tiring. And there are definately days that just being here at the house with them is tiring. I guess maybe i could try a little harder to make friends with the people i know here - it's just hard b/c they are all from here and they have known each other forever and i am not. But Julie's party was poppin' (lol) and so were the fajitas in my eggs the next day.
I found the fridge of my dreams Saturday at Best Buy - it is a Samsung 26.0 cu ft. French Door stainless beauty. Lee said when we have a house to move it in can be mine. So I compromised and told him he could get a flat screen LCD if i get the fridge. I think that is only fair. and i am pretty sure i am right about that. hahahaha!!
well....none of weekend plans i posted last week really happened -we didn't hit up the museums or the beach....but there is always next weekend. Thursday we are taking pics of the boys for easter - not professionally, just by me and i think i do ok. they will be supercute and i can't wait. and then we are taking madden to see monsters vs. aliens. it will be the first time the 3 of us venture to go see a movie together so it should be interesting! Peyton will get to be alone with momma (maria) for the afternoon while we enjoy alone time with madden. Love to you all - i will post pictures of julie's b-day soon and keep everyone to up to date on our house progress.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Thanks for coming!! I miss you and wish we weren't an hour apart! Beach season will be here soon and then we will be down there every weekend! Love you!
