Tuesday, March 24, 2009

worst mom moment

Somedays I just forget what it must be like to one of my children.
I was talking to the real estate lady and i put Peyton in the car b/c there are mosquito's and did i think that maybe the car would get hot even though the sky looks like a hot mess of clouds? no i didn't and then i didn't turn on the car and her and i talked for about 5 minutes and then i got in my car to discover that i was the worst mom in the world at that moment in time. Peyton was screaming and his little face was red and he had sweat beads everywhere - i almost killed my kid. thank goodness the real estate lady had already pulled away from the house - b/c i cried and cried - i can't believe i was one of those moms even if it was for a brief moment.

on the plus side of my bad mommy moment - i found us a house today that i love. it is big and spacious and lots of yard for the boys. I am taking Lee to look at it in the morning before he goes to work - keep your fingers crossed that he likes it too! i posted pictures on here and on facebook under - this could be our home! check them out. my real estate lady said since the credit score went up on friday people were just snatching up houses no matter what they were like so they could get in under the 620 - i hope this one doesn't get snatched up before we get a chance to even make an offer. i would rather know that we loose b/c someone is willing to pay more than b/c we dragged our feet a little. I guess if it doesn't work out - then another will emerge eventually.

lee has off friday thru sunday - i thought thurs. but no. so we are planning to look at houses friday if this one doesn't work out - if he does work out then we will probably just hang out around the house and do a few errands and then saturday some fraternity brothers are gathering in memorial park for flag football so we are going to go do that and maybe catch a museum and then sunday is beach day! just for a few hours so the kids don't get burned but just enough to have fun. i will keep everyone posted on the house situation and we will just hope that whatever is meant to be happens.

love you all - b

1 comment:

  1. We all have those moments, let me tell you! Good luck on the house!!!!
