Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend's Over and now the FUN begins!

Oh my goodness! This weekend was so busy. Saturday we went to go see our good friends Nick & Ashley and the new baby Maddox Cole. He is so precious and of course they are great new parents - i remember when Lee and I were like that - had enough info to do good - but always second guessing our actions - thank goodness for Memaw when i had Madden so i had a little more help.
We got distracted by Babies'r'Us for a few hours and got Peyton the Fisher-Price Precious Planet Jumperoo. He sits in it pretty good but his ffet don't touch yet -of course so it is very limited. But i am exccited that we got it and a few other things for the boys. I love that store but is is true - Lee and I found ourselves just picking up stuff because it's cool and then having to make the major decision - do we REALLY need this? most of the time the answer was - NO! If i didn't have him with me, i would have been in the poor house when we left. Good thing i already have Peyton's easter basket and all those goodies.

Yesterday(Sunday) Mom and I took Madden to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and to his first rock concert to see ZZ Top. For those of you that went to the rodeo this year - maybe you can help me out with this - but were you able to understand the words to your performer's songs? We couldn't - Mom thought it was because she was old and I told her i had to read the words on the thingy, b/c i couldn't understand them either. We had the best time just walking around with Madden and looking at the animals and getting on the tractors and all the fun agriculture stuff. He was in heaven - he could actually touch stuff and not get in trouble. I can't wait to post the pics and hopefully mom will email her pictures soon so i can share those as well.

And now....we have a busy week. Today i get to finish laundry and some little house cleaning things and then on Tuesday we are going to see a house in Oyster Creek (closer to the does that happen, we are so close now) and there is a house in a town called Wild Peach that looks decent. Wednesday is Julie's Birthday dinner which i am so excited for b/c we will be in close proximity to Carter's - plus i get to see my family. And then Thursday Lee is off and i really want to try to go to the Museum's that day with the boys - especially the Children's Museum b/c they have this cool playground set-up and i know Madden will love it. Lee has this weekend off and we are thinking of doing something on the beach - like a little cook-out and enjoy some much needed sunshine - so i hope that works out for us.

When i figure out how to post photo albums on here - i will post some pics up here - maybe Julie can enlighten me how that works. Love you all and have a safe, fun and enjoyable week doing what makes you happy and not what makes you crazy.

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