Saturday, March 14, 2009


whew! It's Saturday! I can't believe how fast this week has gone. In the course of a week, I went from being a person with 2 prego friends to 2 new babies, apartment living to house hunting and from overweight to 3 punds lighter (still overweight but you get the idea!). Busy! Busy!

Lee and I started house hunting this week. We found the house of our dreams, but for the price in our nightmares. I could go back to work full-time and easily afford the house; but, i no wanna work. Plus, who wants to work - just to pay a house note - not us! So we found a house here in Freeport that is under 100,00 , 4/2/1, 1700 sq. ft and the only thing wrong with it is the bright blue paint on the outside. So pray for us that our pre-qual goes through and we can make an offer. If it gets snatched up then we will continue to look. We want to move right when Memaw gets here so we can make her work for her room and board. Laugh now......I was kidding.

Peyton is getting bigger everyday and Madden is a booger. He continues to try to wake Peyton up from his naps, like he has just done and still gets a little attention hungry. We are getting along better as he gets more and more used to Peyton being with us - I can't imagine what it feels like to not be the only child - i think his adjustment period is almost over. Peyton starting to try to roll over - he does it in his bed all the time but not in the open yet. Madden is teaching him the animals on his playmate and shows him stuff all the time. Madden is learning more and more everyday and says more and more words. His sentences are now sometimes more than 3-4 words and he is alot more aware of things around him. I can't believe he is almost 3.

well....i have laundry to do and kids to entertain.....i'll update on the house situation and post some pictures if we get it! Love you all and have a great weekend!


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