Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Monday.....again

WOW! Another week has come and gone and today what i hope will be an adventurous week of contracts and earnest money. Lee and I have officially decided that will take peoples input on the house that we want but we will no longer listen to the negativity. If people don't like the house that we are trying to worries, they don't have to live there. RIGHT?
Plus by the time we get finished it will not be the same house - Lee and I went around this weekend to Home Depot and Lowe's to look for things and get ideas of how much things cost so when we try to start re-doing a few things we have some better ideas. And of course i will have to help from a certain home builder i know, and I hope that Richard likes my ideas. And i hope that he will help. But that is in the future and that is only if we get the would think the way we talk at this house, it is already ours. Hopefully we don't get a little heartbroken. But i am faithful that it will all work out.
Last week we went to Julie's birthday party at Pappasito's and had a great time. Julie is very lucky that she has great friends that live around her. It made me miss my friends so much more - there are times i just feel so alone here, b/c all of my friends live so far away and even the ones that don't have jobs and have lives that are so busy. I think traveling with 2 boys sometimes - even to say Pearland by myself can be a little tiring. And there are definately days that just being here at the house with them is tiring. I guess maybe i could try a little harder to make friends with the people i know here - it's just hard b/c they are all from here and they have known each other forever and i am not. But Julie's party was poppin' (lol) and so were the fajitas in my eggs the next day.
I found the fridge of my dreams Saturday at Best Buy - it is a Samsung 26.0 cu ft. French Door stainless beauty. Lee said when we have a house to move it in can be mine. So I compromised and told him he could get a flat screen LCD if i get the fridge. I think that is only fair. and i am pretty sure i am right about that. hahahaha!!
well....none of weekend plans i posted last week really happened -we didn't hit up the museums or the beach....but there is always next weekend. Thursday we are taking pics of the boys for easter - not professionally, just by me and i think i do ok. they will be supercute and i can't wait. and then we are taking madden to see monsters vs. aliens. it will be the first time the 3 of us venture to go see a movie together so it should be interesting! Peyton will get to be alone with momma (maria) for the afternoon while we enjoy alone time with madden. Love to you all - i will post pictures of julie's b-day soon and keep everyone to up to date on our house progress.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

worst mom moment

Somedays I just forget what it must be like to one of my children.
I was talking to the real estate lady and i put Peyton in the car b/c there are mosquito's and did i think that maybe the car would get hot even though the sky looks like a hot mess of clouds? no i didn't and then i didn't turn on the car and her and i talked for about 5 minutes and then i got in my car to discover that i was the worst mom in the world at that moment in time. Peyton was screaming and his little face was red and he had sweat beads everywhere - i almost killed my kid. thank goodness the real estate lady had already pulled away from the house - b/c i cried and cried - i can't believe i was one of those moms even if it was for a brief moment.

on the plus side of my bad mommy moment - i found us a house today that i love. it is big and spacious and lots of yard for the boys. I am taking Lee to look at it in the morning before he goes to work - keep your fingers crossed that he likes it too! i posted pictures on here and on facebook under - this could be our home! check them out. my real estate lady said since the credit score went up on friday people were just snatching up houses no matter what they were like so they could get in under the 620 - i hope this one doesn't get snatched up before we get a chance to even make an offer. i would rather know that we loose b/c someone is willing to pay more than b/c we dragged our feet a little. I guess if it doesn't work out - then another will emerge eventually.

lee has off friday thru sunday - i thought thurs. but no. so we are planning to look at houses friday if this one doesn't work out - if he does work out then we will probably just hang out around the house and do a few errands and then saturday some fraternity brothers are gathering in memorial park for flag football so we are going to go do that and maybe catch a museum and then sunday is beach day! just for a few hours so the kids don't get burned but just enough to have fun. i will keep everyone posted on the house situation and we will just hope that whatever is meant to be happens.

love you all - b

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend's Over and now the FUN begins!

Oh my goodness! This weekend was so busy. Saturday we went to go see our good friends Nick & Ashley and the new baby Maddox Cole. He is so precious and of course they are great new parents - i remember when Lee and I were like that - had enough info to do good - but always second guessing our actions - thank goodness for Memaw when i had Madden so i had a little more help.
We got distracted by Babies'r'Us for a few hours and got Peyton the Fisher-Price Precious Planet Jumperoo. He sits in it pretty good but his ffet don't touch yet -of course so it is very limited. But i am exccited that we got it and a few other things for the boys. I love that store but is is true - Lee and I found ourselves just picking up stuff because it's cool and then having to make the major decision - do we REALLY need this? most of the time the answer was - NO! If i didn't have him with me, i would have been in the poor house when we left. Good thing i already have Peyton's easter basket and all those goodies.

Yesterday(Sunday) Mom and I took Madden to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and to his first rock concert to see ZZ Top. For those of you that went to the rodeo this year - maybe you can help me out with this - but were you able to understand the words to your performer's songs? We couldn't - Mom thought it was because she was old and I told her i had to read the words on the thingy, b/c i couldn't understand them either. We had the best time just walking around with Madden and looking at the animals and getting on the tractors and all the fun agriculture stuff. He was in heaven - he could actually touch stuff and not get in trouble. I can't wait to post the pics and hopefully mom will email her pictures soon so i can share those as well.

And now....we have a busy week. Today i get to finish laundry and some little house cleaning things and then on Tuesday we are going to see a house in Oyster Creek (closer to the does that happen, we are so close now) and there is a house in a town called Wild Peach that looks decent. Wednesday is Julie's Birthday dinner which i am so excited for b/c we will be in close proximity to Carter's - plus i get to see my family. And then Thursday Lee is off and i really want to try to go to the Museum's that day with the boys - especially the Children's Museum b/c they have this cool playground set-up and i know Madden will love it. Lee has this weekend off and we are thinking of doing something on the beach - like a little cook-out and enjoy some much needed sunshine - so i hope that works out for us.

When i figure out how to post photo albums on here - i will post some pics up here - maybe Julie can enlighten me how that works. Love you all and have a safe, fun and enjoyable week doing what makes you happy and not what makes you crazy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


whew! It's Saturday! I can't believe how fast this week has gone. In the course of a week, I went from being a person with 2 prego friends to 2 new babies, apartment living to house hunting and from overweight to 3 punds lighter (still overweight but you get the idea!). Busy! Busy!

Lee and I started house hunting this week. We found the house of our dreams, but for the price in our nightmares. I could go back to work full-time and easily afford the house; but, i no wanna work. Plus, who wants to work - just to pay a house note - not us! So we found a house here in Freeport that is under 100,00 , 4/2/1, 1700 sq. ft and the only thing wrong with it is the bright blue paint on the outside. So pray for us that our pre-qual goes through and we can make an offer. If it gets snatched up then we will continue to look. We want to move right when Memaw gets here so we can make her work for her room and board. Laugh now......I was kidding.

Peyton is getting bigger everyday and Madden is a booger. He continues to try to wake Peyton up from his naps, like he has just done and still gets a little attention hungry. We are getting along better as he gets more and more used to Peyton being with us - I can't imagine what it feels like to not be the only child - i think his adjustment period is almost over. Peyton starting to try to roll over - he does it in his bed all the time but not in the open yet. Madden is teaching him the animals on his playmate and shows him stuff all the time. Madden is learning more and more everyday and says more and more words. His sentences are now sometimes more than 3-4 words and he is alot more aware of things around him. I can't believe he is almost 3.

well....i have laundry to do and kids to entertain.....i'll update on the house situation and post some pictures if we get it! Love you all and have a great weekend!


Brandy, Lee & the Boys!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's Try This Out

Hello Everyone -

My cousin Julie started one of these for her family and I absolutely love reading it - so i thought maybe to give myself a little something else to do - I would try it out. We will use this page to tell all about our goings ons and such. And maybe somedays I will just use it to rant. HaHaHa!

Today is a busy day for our families - Our Copple family gains a new little boy - Brody Edwin Copple and our Beta family welcomes a new little girl - Isabel Perez. We are super excited for everyone. We welcomed a new Beta into the world on March 2nd - Maddox Cole Lopez. All these little Beta about 10 years......trouble will begin.

We don't have much going on this week - Auntie T came down on Monday and visited with the boys and we were very grateful for our time with her. It was nice to have an adult to talk to for most of the day. And i know Madden was very happy to have her here - he calls her T. Lee and I are going to try to go and look at some houses today - with the new tax credit we think this might be the year we buckle down and buy one. I may have to go back to work part time to help out, but it will be worth it to have something to call our very own.

Well.........this is our first post so we will see how it goes from here....have a great hump day!